Chris "Joppa" Perkins Q&A Interview

Joppa took some time out to answer questions over at MMO Games. Reading these Q&A’s offers some insights into the game development efforts and solidifies confidence in the direction of the game. You get a mixture of game development opinions and details of what is being worked on. You definitely should take a trip over to MMO Games and read through the article.

We asked Chris about crowdfunding confidence, MMO magic, NPCs, duelling, learning Unity, pets, character creation, and more, the answers we received were thoughtful, insightful, personal, and poignant.

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Beat Back Those Bandits in the next Pre-Alpha!

Step forth and make a pledge to Pantheon by joining the Pantheon VIP Program before Thursday July 29 and you will be able to join the fight against the bandits who have been setting up camp throughout the forest during the next Pre-Alpha session (all 31-hours of it!) on the weekend of July 31 - August 01. What better way to end the month and start the new than by adventuring through the forests with others! Come see what the fun is all about!